More Reconstruction Efforts (3)Full unit name: More Reconstruction Efforts
Last updated: 12.06.2024 22:04:00
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Taris
Events: Taris Resettlement Initiative
Taris Resettlement Initiative
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (3)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Fantastic, you're back! Governor Saresh needs to speak to you right away - hold on.
    Leontyne Saresh
    How wonderful to see you again! I'm sure you're already noticing the changes your efforts have brought. Rakghoul attacks are down eighty percent in the resettlement zone, and the few we encounter are repelled more easily. Construction crews are back to work - with a bit of arm twisting - and they're developing more ambitious projects. They believe in what we're doing again - thanks to you.
    It's always good to see people fired up about the Republic's work.
    Now that progress is being made, will the Republic send more resources?
    Leontyne Saresh
    I'm doing my best to see that they do. But in spite of our success, we still have some serious challenges.
    Unfortunately, not all of the news is good. Our success has come at a price. The rakghouls we've displaced now threaten our forward expedition teams. We've endangered our most vulnerable projects. The work those teams are doing is critical to reclaiming Taris. If we don't help them, the confidence we've worked so hard to restore could die forever.
    Rakghoul attacks in the wilderness have reached epidemic proportions. Our expedition teams are in danger of being completely wiped out. The scientists and workers on those teams are critical to our plans to expand across Taris. If they can't finish their work, our entire project will fall apart.
    We won't stand by while innocent lives are at risk.
    Aren't there security forces to protect these people?
    Leontyne Saresh
    Of course. And their numbers are dwindling rapidly.
    Hero of Tython
    Your people will get the job done - you've got our word.
    Leontyne Saresh
    I knew I could count on you. Everyone working in that wilderness has lost friends and comrades - they're frightened, and losing hope quickly. I need you to rekindle that hope - to show our people that no enemy is too powerful to overcome.
    The team leads are at Brejik's Run - it was a top-notch swoop track before the Sith attacked.
    Leontyne Saresh
    A speeder will take you out once you're ready. When you land, find my agent, Vealo - he'll be your guide. Hundreds of lives and millions of credits were sacrificed to bring us to this point. Do whatever it takes--our project cannot fail.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Elara Dorne, Strom, Bardo
  • Leontyne Saresh (from Taris Resettlement Initiative)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    You can't do this, Major! The governor even sent us more help - look!
    The governor has sent us plenty of help already. Volunteers, mercs, even Jedi, and they're all dead or working on it. I'm not watching the body count go any higher. We're pulling out - ASAP. You want to help, help us load up for evac.
    This work is too important to abandon.
    That's not your call to make.
    It's natural to feel afraid, Major. But don't let that blind you to hope.
    I'm no coward, Jedi. I've got lives to save.
    No need for evac, Major, sir. We can still win this.
    I'll take your five-second tactical appraisal under advisement while we strike camp, Lieutenant.
    Hero of Tython
    Does Governor Saresh know you're pulling out?
    She's not here - we are. If you want to get yourself eaten or turned into a monster, go right ahead. Anything and anyone that isn't packed when we leave is meat. Your choice. My orders are to keep these people safe. If you work a miracle and this place ends up being safe again... we'll see.
    You'll have to work quickly to get this place safe and running again before the major's evacuation. Maybe then he'll change his mind. Talk to any of the people here - they'll tell you what needs to be done. I just hope we're not too late.
    Hero of Tython
    Do whatever you have to, Vealo--don't let him take these people out of here.
    I'll see what I can do. Good luck to you.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Elara Dorne, Vealo, Jazen
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    We heard the good news!
    The governor wishes to....
    Leontyne Saresh
    The governor wishes to congratulate you herself. You've done some truly incredible work for Taris - every last person here is in your debt.
    Hero of Tython
    We all have a responsibility to help restore what the Sith have destroyed.
    Leontyne Saresh
    Still, you've taken on a much greater responsibility than most people could. Very few people could have achieved all of this.
    Are there any other problems that need attention, Governor?
    Leontyne Saresh
    You've done so much already - but there is always more. I'm certain there will be many more challenges to overcome as we continue our work. But I'm also certain your heroic example will inspire everyone who works to make Taris the brightest point in the Republic. We're all proud to have had you with us. Travel safely.
  • Meteor, Aric Jorgan, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Elara Dorne, Strom, Bardo, Leontyne Saresh
This event took place during the Taris Resettlement Initiative
Taris Resettlement Initiative
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on the planet Taris
After the operatives
Republic Operatives
Temporary Unions
returned to the Olaris Spaceport from their mission
Mission to Transport Station 5
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
at Transport Station 5 and were ready to board their ships, they were approached again by Bardo
Minor Characters (TOR)
and Strom
Minor Characters (TOR)
, aides to Governor
Leontyne Saresh
Supporting Characters
. Strom contacted his superior, and Saresh, after thanking the operatives for what they had already done, reluctantly asked for more help. She explained that the rakghouls
, driven out of the main resettlement zones, had begun to threaten the forward expeditionary teams that were involved in the most vulnerable projects critical to reclaiming Taris. She was confident that without help, many at the forward outpost would lose hope, so she asked the operatives to contact her assistant Vealo
Minor Characters (TOR)
at the Brejik's Run outpost in the Tularan Marsh region and provide him with all possible assistance.
The operatives took speeders
Speeder Bike v02
Ground Vehicle
To Be Identified
and traveled to the outpost, where they witnessed a heated conversation between Vealo and Major
Minor Characters (TOR)
, the outpost commander
. Despite Vealo's objections, Jazen said that his men were planning to evacuate the outpost because it had become too dangerous. The operatives intervened and promised Vealo that they would try to do everything they could. Velo thanked them and asked them to provide Mola Haxtor
Mola Haxtor
Minor Characters (TOR)
with any assistance she needed in her important research.
The operatives carried out several missions to secure the future of the forward expansion camps, which were on the verge of complete destruction until they intervened. Upon their return to Olaris, the operatives were greeted personally by Governor Saresh. She thanked them for what they had done to the resettlement of Taris and promised to contact them again if more help was needed.
See also
Related organizations
Republic ArmyStructureCharactersMajor Jazen (Commander of Brejik's Run Outpost)RanksMajorJazen (Brejik's Run Outpost)RolesCommanderMajor Jazen (Brejik's Run Outpost)Part of / Served onGalactic RepublicWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH3 Heavy RifleJazenL3 ElectrobladeJazenArmorRepublic Trooper Armor A04.1Jazen
Republic Special Forces DivisionStructureCharactersLieutenant Meteor, Havoc Squad (Commander)Sergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadSergeant Elara Dorne, Havoc Squad (Medic)Sentient speciesCatharSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadRanksLieutenantMeteor, Havoc SquadSergeantAric Jorgan, Havoc SquadElara Dorne, Havoc SquadRolesCommanderLieutenant Meteor, Havoc SquadMedicSergeant Elara Dorne, Havoc SquadWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterElara DorneRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganArmorHavoc Squad ArmorAric JorganElara Dorne
Havoc SquadStructureCharactersLieutenant Meteor (Commander)Sergeant Aric JorganSergeant Elara Dorne (Medic)Sentient speciesCatharSergeant Aric JorganRanksLieutenantMeteorSergeantAric JorganElara DorneRolesCommanderLieutenant MeteorMedicSergeant Elara DorneWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterElara DorneRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganArmorHavoc Squad ArmorAric JorganElara Dorne
Galactic RepublicStructureOrganizationsTaris Resettlement AuthorityRepublic ArmyRepublic Operatives
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Jedi Consular)Jedi Knight Hero of TythonJedi Padawan Kira CarsenRanksJedi KnightBarsen'thorHero of TythonJedi PadawanKira CarsenRolesJedi ConsularJedi Knight Barsen'thorWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberKira Carsen
Taris Resettlement AuthorityStructureCharactersBardoStromVealoSentient speciesRodianVealoPart of / Served onGalactic Republic
Republic OperativesStructureCharactersMeteorAric JorganElara DorneVoidhoundCorso RiggsBarsen'thorQyzen FessHero of TythonKira CarsenT7-O1DroidsT7-series Astromech DroidT7-O1Sentient speciesCatharAric JorganTrandoshanQyzen FessPart of / Served onGalactic RepublicWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterElara DorneRepublic Sniper RifleAric JorganL4 ElectrobladeQyzen FessL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberKira Carsen
Related units, characters and other technologies
Barsen'thorMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor (Jedi Consular)Republic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsBarsen'thor's Lightsaber
Hero of TythonMembershipRepublic OperativesJedi OrderJedi Knight Hero of TythonWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsHero of Tython's LightsaberRelationsKira Carsen (Apprentice)
MeteorMembershipHavoc SquadLieutenant Meteor (Commander)Republic Special Forces DivisionLieutenant Meteor, Havoc Squad (Commander)Republic Operatives
VoidhoundMembershipSmugglerRepublic Operatives
Kira CarsenMembershipJedi OrderJedi Padawan Kira CarsenRepublic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL1 Jedi Dual LightsaberRelationsHero of Tython (Master)
Elara DorneMembershipRepublic OperativesRepublic Special Forces DivisionSergeant Elara Dorne, Havoc Squad (Medic)Havoc SquadSergeant Elara Dorne (Medic)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsH2 Heavy BlasterArmorHavoc Squad Armor
Qyzen FessMembershipRepublic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL4 Electroblade
Aric JorganMembershipRepublic Special Forces DivisionSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadSergeant Aric JorganRepublic OperativesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsRepublic Sniper RifleArmorHavoc Squad Armor
Corso RiggsMembershipRepublic Operatives
BardoMembershipTaris Resettlement AuthorityRelationsLeontyne Saresh (Boss)
JazenMembershipRepublic ArmyMajor Jazen (Commander of Brejik's Run Outpost)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsH3 Heavy RifleL3 ElectrobladeArmorRepublic Trooper Armor A04.1
StromMembershipTaris Resettlement AuthorityRelationsLeontyne Saresh (Boss)
VealoMembershipTaris Resettlement AuthorityRelationsLeontyne Saresh (Boss)
T7-O1MembershipRepublic Operatives
T7-series Astromech DroidUsed by / onRepublic OperativesT7-O1
CatharWere among members ofHavoc SquadSergeant Aric JorganRepublic Special Forces DivisionSergeant Aric Jorgan, Havoc SquadRepublic OperativesAric Jorgan
RodianWere among members ofTaris Resettlement AuthorityVealo
TrandoshanWere among members ofRepublic OperativesQyzen Fess
SergeantMembershipRepublic Special Forces DivisionAric Jorgan, Havoc SquadElara Dorne, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadAric JorganElara Dorne
LieutenantMembershipHavoc SquadMeteorRepublic Special Forces DivisionMeteor, Havoc Squad
MajorMembershipRepublic ArmyJazen (Brejik's Run Outpost)
Jedi PadawanMembershipJedi OrderKira Carsen
Jedi KnightMembershipJedi OrderBarsen'thorHero of Tython
CommanderMembershipHavoc SquadLieutenant MeteorRepublic Special Forces DivisionLieutenant Meteor, Havoc SquadRepublic ArmyMajor Jazen (Brejik's Run Outpost)
MedicMembershipRepublic Special Forces DivisionSergeant Elara Dorne, Havoc SquadHavoc SquadSergeant Elara Dorne
Jedi ConsularMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight Barsen'thor
Complete list

Full unit name: More Reconstruction Efforts Last updated: 12.06.2024 22:04:00